Support Us

The Church of the Good Shepherd is cared for by a very small group of local parishioners and in the tradition of the folks of the Mackenzie we know how to get things done. You are welcome to join us mowing, gardening, trimming, laying paths, shifting rocks with machinery, digging holes and building fences.


We do not receive any income other than that which is donated. Please help us keep the church open for visitors to this lovely place by contributing $5 at the Tap to Donate donation station or by cash to the Donation Box when you visit. Thank you.


Mackenzie Cooperating Parish 03 1718 002 1905 00


We currently have a native replanting project underway. 

If you would like to offer your services to help look after and replant the natural environment around the church please get in touch.

Contact Us

PHOTO CREDIT: Caroll Simcox